flag Expose: Antiwhite Incidents

Report hate and bias against ethnic europeans to hold offenders accountable.
filter_alt Filter: Discrimination, Hate Speech, Cultural Harm
Offender Antiwhiteism Incident
City of Seattle Discrimination Seattleā€™s Office of Civil Rights held a mandatory training for white city employees titled "Interrupting Internalized Racial Superiority and Whiteness."
Disney Corporation Hate Speech Reimagine Tomorrow" training program that included materials on "white privilege" and "systemic racism," urging employees to "decenter whiteness."
Ibram X Kendi Hate Speech Author of "How to Be an Antiracist", Kendi argued that "the only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination"
Robin DiAngelo Hate Speech Author of 'White Fragility'
Julius Malema Hate Speech Calls for 'kill the boer', aka white genocide in South Africa
Humboldt State University Hate Speech Teaches antiwhiteness
University of Michigan Hate Speech Teaches to 'decenter whiteness'
Coca-Cola Hate Speech Asked employees to 'be less white'
Google Cultural Harm Google trained its AI to erase white people.
Oscars Academy Discrimination Requires non-white actors to win award.
ADL Cultural Harm ADL calendar specifically excludes all european/white events
Newsweek Hate Speech Portray "its okay to be white" as 'extremist'
Disney Corporation Cultural Harm Princess and Frog, a european fairy tale
FBI Hate Speech Claims 'white supremacy' is a great threat
Eminem Hate Speech Promotes 'white privilege' and says embarrassed to be white.
96 items total