flag Expose: Antiwhite Incidents

Report hate and bias against ethnic europeans to hold offenders accountable.
filter_alt Filter: Discrimination, Hate Speech, Cultural Harm
Offender Antiwhiteism Incident
Sacramento Bee Hate Speech Normalizes talk of "just another mediocre white man"
Bill Gates Discrimination His foundation funds scholarship excluding Whites
BBC Cultural Harm BBC lies and revises british history to manufacture "diversity'
Microsoft Cultural Harm MSN spread misinformation that recent Europeans were black.
The Daily Telegraph Cultural Harm Spread misinformation that recent Europeans were "black"
NASPA Hate Speech Preaches to white colleagues on white supremacy
Washington State University Hate Speech Publishes and recommends antiwhite reading
ADL Hate Speech Claims that speaking of "white replacement" is a form of extremism.
Florida Gulf Coast University Hate Speech Teaches 'White Racism' course that America is white supremacist
University of Vermont Hate Speech Promotes concept of white privilege
UC Berkeley Discrimination Banned white people from common spaces in housing.
City University of New York Hate Speech Professor Jessie Daniels says white nuclear family promotes white supremacy.
University of Rhode Island Hate Speech Removed WW2 murals because too many white people.
University of Wisconsin Hate Speech Required orientation taught there are 'no exceptional white people'.
University of Illinois Hate Speech Employs professor Rochelle Gutierrez who says math perpetuates white privilege
96 items total