info Antiwhite Tactics

Double Standards

Antiwhiteism relies upon hypocricy.

Whites Everyone Else
"Supremacy" "Community"
"Fragility" "Empowerment"
"Colonizer" "Immigrant"
"Privilege" "Diversity"
europe non-white mass immigration migration
europe immigration boats non-white fighting-age males

Replacement Migration

Since 2000, millions of non-White immigrants, mostly young men, have flooded Europe & other White nations. The EU saw 20M+ non-EU migrants by 2020. This strains social systems, erodes culture, skyrockets crime - against will of descendents of those who built these great nations.

Corrupt Governments

Western leftist globalist oligarch governments push DEI & immigration for cheap corporate labor and stacking votes. They curb dissent as "hate", a divide & conquer strategy to cement permanent control. Germany’s 2015 migrant wave, Canada’s 2023 border plan, & Sweden’s DEI choose power and profit regardless of destroying founding culture and heritage.

antiwhite government policy
antiwhite media european cultural appropriation

Cultural Villification

Media & institutions cast Whites as oppressors, and "race swap" historic and heroic roles. Corporate news and editorial coverage pushes antiwhiteist narratives. In 2021, 70% of U.S. race coverage was anti-White (MRC). BBC & CBC push "White privilege," erasing history & fueling cultural loss. In bed with corrupt governments and institutions, from EU to Blackrock to WEF, they promote antiwhiteism for same globalist power grab.

Workplace Discrimination

DEI policies boost non-White hires over qualified Whites. In 2022, White men were just 35% of new Google hires (60% workforce). UK’s BBC targets 20% non-White staff, prioritizing race. In Australia, DEI cuts White men in finance & media. Corporations run DEI and ERGs to celebrate not being white.

antiwhite racist hiring DEI discrimination
antiwhite discrimination college admission

Racist Colleges

Colleges favor "diversity" over merit, rejecting Whites. At Harvard, Whites with SATs 200+ points above Black/Hispanic peers lose out to quotas. Oxford aims for 25% non-White; Campuses are filled with antiwhiteism, from racist "non-white spaces" to professors calling for white death.

Ignored Voices

Whites, <15% globally, have low birth rates (1.6 U.S., 1.4 Germany), to be minority in U.S. by 2045. Inflation, DEI discrimination, and mass immigration hit hard. White working-class men face soaring suicides—(3x Black rate), a leading cause of death for white males under 50.

hardship cost of living