flag Expose: Antiwhite Incidents

Report hate and bias against ethnic europeans to hold offenders accountable.
filter_alt Filter: Discrimination, Hate Speech, Cultural Harm
Offender Antiwhiteism Incident
Binghamton University Hate Speech Offers "Stop White People" course
University of South Dakota Hate Speech Produces courses and brochures critical of Whiteness
Salisbury University Hate Speech Still employs professor Erin Stutelberg who teaches pyramid of white supremacy including violence, genocide, etc.
Williamette University Hate Speech Employs professor Emily Drew who says whites are damaging and must dismantle their whiteness.
Penn State University Hate Speech Forced professor to teach that English language is white supremacy.
Texas A&M University Discrimination Removed photos of white alumni to "increase inclusivity"
Harvard University Hate Speech Harvard publications (Gazette, Law Review) publish many antiwhite articles
Harvard University Hate Speech Harvard Book Store sells dozens of antiwhite books.
Evergreen College Discrimination allowed hosting of 'no whites allowed' events
UC Berkeley Hate Speech still employs professor Zeus Leonardo who teaches "abolish white people"
University of Southern California Hate Speech Installed giant "dismantle whiteness" mural on campus
Towson University Hate Speech Offers racist courses, and showed presentation "White people are a plague"
Cornell University Hate Speech Excluded white students from classes
Columbia University Hate Speech Offers events on "dismantling whiteness"
OpenAI Discrimination Research shows that OpenAI ChatGPT is trained to be antiwhite.
96 items total