flag Expose: Antiwhite Incidents

Report hate and bias against ethnic europeans to hold offenders accountable.
filter_alt Filter: Discrimination, Hate Speech, Cultural Harm
Offender Antiwhiteism Incident
SMUD Hate Speech Sacramento Municipal Utility District CEO/General Managers Paul Lau and Arlen Orchard required employees to watch antiwhite guilt video, and promoted antiwhite bias such as 'systemic racism'.
North Central College Hate Speech employes Adam Kotsko who suggested whites should commit suicide
OpenAI Discrimination Demonstrably trained to treat white identity as harmful
Iowa State University Hate Speech Required staff to pledge supporting antiwhiteism
Columbia University Discrimination pledged millions to discriminate against white hiring
Barnard College Discrimination pledged to discriminate against white hiring
University of Louisville Discrimination pledge millions to illegally discriminate against white staff
University of Southern Carolina Hate Speech Hosted "white student accountability" meetings
Morgan State University Hate Speech still employs Lawrence Brown, who said that "White People Need To Personally Give All Their Money To Black People" to make up for white privilege
Univesity of Kansas Hate Speech Offered course "Angry White Male studies"
Michigan State University Hate Speech still employs Shreena Gandhi who claims yoga practice stems from white supremacy
University of Colorado-Boulder Hate Speech blames 'white supremacy' on all racial violence, even that not related to whites (e.g. black on asian)
University of Georgia Hate Speech Dismissed Irami Osei-Frimpong from wrongdoing after saying white people have to die.
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Discrimination Strived to reduce white admission rates
Trinity College Hate Speech still employs Johnny Eric Williams who said whiteness is terrorism
96 items total