flag Expose: Antiwhite Incidents

Report hate and bias against ethnic europeans to hold offenders accountable.
filter_alt Filter: Discrimination, Hate Speech, Cultural Harm
Offender Antiwhiteism Incident
Harvard University Hate Speech Published article "Abolish the White Race"
Duquesne University Hate Speech still employs professor Derek Hook who promoted white suicide
Rutgers University Hate Speech Still employs history professor James Livingston who said "I now hate white people...can we just keep them—us—us out of my neighborhood?...Fuck these people."
Fairleigh Dickinson University Hate Speech They still employ Khyati Y. Joshi who taught that "whiteness" is evil slavery and oppression.
Rutgers University Hate Speech Rutgers promotes 'social justice' antiwhiteism and still employs Brittney Cooper who said “white people are committed to being villains” and “we gotta take these motherfuckers out"
University of Southern California Hate Speech USC still employs Charles H.F. Davis, who promoted antiwhite violence.
Disney Corporation Cultural Harm Snow White casting of non-european Rachel Zegler in european fairy tale.
Wall Street Journal Hate Speech complain about white men
Keir Starmer Discrimination Supports two-tier policing, supporting BLM and muslims while attacking native british protests
World Economic Forum Cultural Harm WEF lobbies and pressures western governments to accept mass migration through its Global Future Council on Migration
European Union Cultural Harm EU uses Common European Asylum System (CEAS) to pressure Europe to accept foreign mass migration.
United Nations Cultural Harm UN drives 'replacement migration' into white nations.
Microsoft Discrimination They even write antiwhite code
Cisco Discrimination CEO continues "commitment" to DEI
Goldman Sachs Discrimination Forced companies to be racist, and continues DEI commitments
96 items total